Services Learning Placements

Below is a list of potential placement sites for students enrolled in the Human and Family Development Minor service learning experience, Cooperative Education Experience (HFD 498). This is considered a service learning experience in which you set and achieve learning goals in addition to providing service. In addition to sites listed, students may propose other sites for approval to the service learning faculty supervisor. 

While the Human and Family Development Minor requires only 2 credits of service learning work (roughly equivalent to 90 hours of work over a 15-week semester), note that many sites, indicated by an asterisk (*), require longer commitments, up to two semesters.

Enrollment Procedures and Information

  1. Identify a position that you are interested in.
  2. Contact an HFD Committee faculty member who you would like to have serve as an academic supervisor.
  3. Contact the agency that offers the position and determine whether you may volunteer there.
  4. Go to Internship Services (Lommasson Center 154), get a Learning Agreement form, complete it and get the signatures of your academic supervisor and your agency supervisor, and return the form to the Internship Services. You will also need to have your academic supervisor sign a course over-ride slip (obtained at the Registrar’s office, and returned there) in order to officially register.

Details of supervision are to be worked out between the faculty supervisor and the student, although it is assumed that there will be an on-site supervisor and that the student will meet periodically with the faculty supervisor to report progress and to discuss relevant issues. Students will be responsible for:

  1. Participating in a 1-hour weekly seminar in which your service learning goals are developed, you participate in discussions and classroom exercises with other service learning students, and you attend workshops and talks relevant to your service learning activity.
  2. Keeping a weekly log of their hours (signed by the site supervisor).
  3. Writing a weekly reflection journal of relevant learnings during the service learning placement.
  4. Writing a comprehensive 10-page literature review on a topic that will be determined with the faculty advisor assigned to the service learning placement, using APA Style.